Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I was just watching the Big Idea with Donny Deutch and a great segment came up, something good enough for everyone to support!
Grahamtastic is a non-profit organization offering free computers and Internet access to children with cancer and other serious illnesses for educational purposes. Their "lending library" makes laptops available for children to borrow while hospitalized or bed ridden.

"We concentrate on supporting very ill children who are too sick to leave their hospital room or bed. The child's Social Worker (or medical contact) makes the request and we ship the laptop to them for a determined length of time.

When the child is finished with it, the Social worker mails the laptop computer back to us and we prepare it for another child to check out. We provide this service in order for the child to continue their education; this enables the child to connect with their teachers and classrooms, enabling homework assignments."

To learn more about Grahamtastic or to make a donation, go to their website

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